Protest this!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I've bitten my tongue long enough about the people protesting the G20 Summit in Toronto this weekend. While I appreciate that people are passionate about making their feelings known, they need to remember that it's a two-way street.

Here are my feelings:

1. Get jobs
2. Bathe and get a haircut
3. Accept that you're not going to make a damn bit of difference

Bitching about a fake lake is counter-productive. The leaders of the free world aren't going to turn around and go home because you clowns don't want them here. If every leader changed their mind about an issue or event simply because someone who doesn't like them or what they believe in shouted some bullshit rhetoric and said go away, nothing would ever get done.


I'm absolutely disgusted with what happened in Toronto yesterday. I refuse to give these clowns any more run, so I shall refer to them as the Masked Douchebags. The Masked Douchebags went on a spree of destruction in the downtown core, trashing Tim Horton's, Starbucks and Winners. They then turned their mask-covered eyes (more on that in a minute) to police cruisers and civilian vehicles.

One of the Masked Douchebags thought it would be a good idea to trash someone's BMW SUV. What the hell for? Because you guys are anti-capitalism? If that's the case, then give me all the money you have in your bank accounts, buy some rice and move to a commune. Just get the hell away from us hard-working people, the ones your actions are affecting the most.

And while we're at it, what's with the masks? If you're so determined to get change affected, why not at least own it? Oh right, since you're commiting crimes, you don't want to get charged, right? Sounds like you want your cake and eat it too...which sounds like capitalism to me.

Do the world a favour and slip back into the shadows where you belong...with the rest of the vermin.


Mortal Kombat!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sweet. Muppety. Nom.

Becky knows that as code for me really really liking something...therefore, it's applicable here. And it has Jeri Ryan, so double nom.


Really, Canada? Really?

From the Canadian Press:
Filmmaker Sarah Polley, sitcom star Eric McCormack and singer Nelly Furtado are among the latest inductees to Canada's Walk of Fame.

Olympian Clara Hughes, author Farley Mowat, musician David Clayton-Thomas and the late magician Doug Henning also made the list, announced this morning at a news conference.

Established in 1998, Canada's Walk of Fame recognizes achievements in music, sport, film and television as well as the literary, visual and performing arts, and science and innovation.

Honourees are given a star on a walkway in Toronto's entertainment district. This year's crop of inductees will be honoured at a Toronto gala to be held Oct. 16.

I can understand Polley, Hughes, Mowat, Clayton-Thomas and Henning, and to a lesser extent McCormack, but Furtado? Really? This is the best we can do?

The woman provided one of the biggest lowlights (and that's saying something) at the Opening Ceremonies at the Vancouver Olympics, and has added absolutely nothing to society at all. This all but ensures that little twerp Justin Bieber is going to get one of these stars down the road. *sighs*

Sometimes, it's damned embarrassing to hail from here. This is one of those times.


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