Judging a book by its cover

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I haven't read Batman since well before the Bruce Wayne RIP moneygrab, er, storyline. I read Detective and Streets of Gotham, but for Dick Grayson and Batwoman and the Manhunter back-up stories, respectively.

This cover, however, might make me change my mind about picking up the main title. David Finch has drawn the best looking Batman I've seen in years...GORGEOUS!!

I'm going to check out the solicits and see what the details for this issue are, but if I know me, I'll be adding another book to my pull list. I have no interest in the whole Return of Bruce Wayne arc that we'll be subjected to, so if it's tied to that, I might just buy it for the cover.

Oh, the travails of the comic fan!


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